Maitake mushrooms are considered adaptogenic, meaning they help the body manage stress more easily by strengthening immunity and aiding its ability to cope. Maitake is packed with beta glucan – specifically its D-fraction which acts as one of nature’s strongest immune boosters.

Maitake can help alleviate symptoms associated with high blood pressure such as headaches, thirst and blurred vision by regularly taking it as part of a healthy lifestyle. Grifola frondosa also contains anti-diabetic properties which may lower both high blood pressure and cholesterol.

Lowers Cholesterol

Maitake mushrooms (Grifola frondosa) can be found growing at the bases of oak, maple and elm trees in Japan, China and parts of North America. Supplementally sold as Maitake D fraction extract, this mushroom may provide numerous functional health benefits including immune system support, blood sugar regulation and cholesterol reduction.

Cholesterol build-up can clog arteries, restricting blood flow and forcing the heart to work harder. Maitake mushrooms contain beta glucans – a type of soluble fibre which supports healthy immune functioning while helping lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Regular consumption of edible mushrooms could help lower blood pressure for over 34 percent of American adults, particularly with its abundance of potassium-rich dietary minerals which could also play a part in helping lower high blood pressure levels.

Maitake mushrooms can help combat polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), an ovulation disorder that causes weight gain, acne and infertility. According to studies, eating these mushrooms may improve ovulation for those suffering from PCOS leading to an increase in sperm count and more regular menstrual cycles.

This mushroom offers moderate levels of vitamin C, an antioxidant which may protect against oxidative stress and strengthen immunity, as well as vitamin B6, an essential nutrient necessary for cell growth, protein metabolism and producing neurotransmitters. Furthermore, this fungus boasts rich concentrations of the amino acid tryptophan, an essential nutrient which promotes sleep while also alleviating depression symptoms and cholesterol. Furthermore, this mushroom’s presence of tryptophan serves as an alternate source of protein for vegetarians or vegans who struggle to access sufficient levels through meat or dairy products.

Strengthens Immune System

Maitake (Grifola frondosa) mushrooms contain beta-glucan polysaccharides that have been shown to stimulate white blood cells, an integral component of our immune system that plays an essential role in fighting off infection and disease. Maitake mushrooms also boast other essential vitamins and amino acids like vitamin D and C for added benefits.

Researchers conducted an animal study and discovered that maitake extract could improve mice’s ability to manage triglyceride and cholesterol levels, improve insulin sensitivity, reduce oxidative stress levels, and increase expression of “good” HDL cholesterol (1).

Studies have also demonstrated that maitake can bolster immune defenses by increasing T cell counts – the primary defense mechanism against invading microbes (2).

Anti-inflammatory benefits provided by this medicinal mushroom also aid the immune system and may benefit individuals who exercise regularly or those living with chronic inflammatory conditions like arthritis (3).

Maitake can help support healthy immune functions as well as support blood sugar and bone health with its abundant supply of vitamin D – it contains approximately 28 micrograms per serving – 200 percent of what adults require daily!

To reap all the health benefits that these delicious mushrooms offer, incorporate them into your diet in various forms. From purchasing fresh mushrooms from specialty grocers or ordering online orders directly through them to using these fungi in herbal teas and broths; even topping your pasta dishes with them for an enjoyable and nutritious snack or grilling them for a nutritious and delectable dish, maitake mushrooms offer endless opportunities for enjoyment!

Boosts Energy Levels

Maitake mushrooms provide a natural energy boost and protein supplement for vegetarians and vegans looking to add variety to their diets. Furthermore, maitakes offer vitamin D and B vitamin benefits which are both essential components for good health.

This mushroom is commonly known as an “adaptogen”, a natural medicine which assists the body’s natural resilience against stress and anxiety by balancing its immune system. Studies have also shown it to help prevent muscle wasting in those living with chronic fatigue syndrome, and may help protect against cancer by stimulating white blood cell activity.

The maitake (Grifola frondosa) mushroom is an edible, wild-growing fungus native to Japan, China and North America that can be found growing wild. Considered an immune-enhancing superfood, Japanese people were said to dance joyfully when discovering it in nature as it has long been associated with increased vitality. It got its name due to the joyous dance people would perform upon discovering it for the first time!

Maitake mushrooms are an excellent source of vitamin C, which can protect the body against oxidative damage and help sustain an effective immune system. Furthermore, Maitake contains vitamin B6, which aids with metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates as well as producing red blood cells for red blood cell production and aiding neurotransmitter production such as serotonin production.

Researchers conducted an animal study and discovered that maitake extract helped lower age-related high blood pressure while increasing insulin sensitivity, both key components to maintaining healthy glucose and cholesterol levels and decreasing the risk of metabolic syndrome, heart disease and other illnesses.

Fights Cancer

Maitake mushrooms contain beta-glucans, a complex sugar that stimulates white blood cells – the body’s first line of defense against germs and disease – to increase white blood cell count and activate them against germs and disease. Beta-glucans may reduce inflammation while stimulating immune systems – potentially protecting against cancer as well as other serious illnesses.

Maitake mushrooms may help regulate cholesterol levels through their extract, according to studies. Studies show that maitake extract reduces LDL (low-density lipoprotein), triglycerides and total cholesterol while attenuating oxidative stress and inflammation – potentially protecting against heart disease.

Maitake grifola demonstrated in a small animal study its ability to decrease tumor growth, increase cancer-fighting cells and inhibit tumor development with chemotherapy drugs, suggesting maitake could provide complementary cancer care.

Maitake belongs to the “adaptogen” class of functional mushrooms, which provide natural solutions that balance out our body’s responses to stress. Maitake can help athletes train harder and recover faster as well as mitigate negative stress effects on the body.

Maitake grifola extracts were found to significantly decrease cell proliferation and apoptosis rates in breast cancer cells, suggesting it could help fight and prevent breast cancer as well as other forms of cancer. This research suggests maitake can also help fight and prevent other cancer types.

Researchers are continuing their investigation of the healing properties of mushrooms, yet results remain inconsistent and it’s recommended to seek professional advice before including mushrooms or supplements into your diet.

Supports Weight Loss

Maitake mushroom (Grifola frondosa or Hen of the Woods mushroom) is an outstanding source of amino acids, B vitamins, and vitamin D. Dietary fiber helps feed beneficial gut bacteria while its anti-inflammatory beta-glucans support immune health. Plus it’s low-calorie with plenty of protein, potassium, phosphorus magnesium zinc iron!

Studies indicate that maitake may help lower cholesterol levels and enhance heart health. Maitake may balance LDL (bad) cholesterol, which has been linked with increased cardiovascular disease risk. Furthermore, maitake can enhance insulin sensitivity and support healthy blood pressure regulation. Furthermore, maitake contains beta glucan which works to decrease cholesterol by improving arterial function and reducing oxidative stress.

Researchers have also discovered that maitake can help promote weight loss through its consumption in diet. One animal study demonstrated this; rats given maitake showed decreased body fat while their control counterparts gained weight. Maitake extract has also been proven to enhance detoxification processes within cells, which can aid weight management.

Studies suggest maitake can assist with gynecological conditions like polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). A 2010 study discovered that taking maitake supplements could induce ovulation among women suffering from PCOS, which is associated with obesity, acne and infertility.

If you want to incorporate maitake into your diet, start experimenting with it in recipes like soups and stews, or take supplements of it to enhance immune systems and overall health. Before trying any new supplements or medicines for pregnant or breastfeeding mothers or those who suffer from medical conditions. It is also a good idea to consult your physician prior to trying anything new on their own.

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Reishi mushrooms (Ganoderma lucidum) are well-known adaptogenic herbs that promote healthy responses to stress while supporting hormonal equilibrium, increasing immunity, boosting immunity, and providing other health benefits*.

Small clinical studies with weak designs have indicated that Reishi may help people living with cancer improve their quality of life and alleviate fatigue, as well as possibly having anti-tumor effects and inhibiting tumor growth*.

Boosts Immune System

Studies suggest that Reishi mushrooms help the immune system by strengthening your natural defences and encouraging probiotic bacteria growth – something essential for optimal immunity. Reishi beta glucans encourage this growth through stimulating probiotic bacteria production within your gut; such a strong microbiome ensures optimal immunity.

Mushrooms also possess anti-inflammatory properties that may reduce inflammation that contributes to sleep issues like insomnia and fibromyalgia. Furthermore, research indicates that their polysaccharides found in Ganoderma lucidum mushrooms can significantly decrease anxiety levels as well as stress.

These mushrooms have also been demonstrated to improve mental health, such as memory and cognitive function, by increasing blood flow to the brain, improving oxygenation and nutrient delivery, while their triterpenes contribute to producing nerve growth factor which is essential for normal neurological health.

Reishi can be added to your diet in various forms, including powders, capsules and tea. Before making changes to your routine with any supplements like Reishi, however, be sure to consult a medical provider first – particularly if any preexisting conditions exist, or you are pregnant/breastfeeding.

Mushrooms may affect blood sugar and cause hypoglycemia, so it’s wise to consult a healthcare provider prior to trying them. Furthermore, they are not advised for people who have bleeding disorders, autoimmune conditions, or are taking certain medications.

Supports Mood

Taoists and spiritual seekers have used reishi for centuries as part of their meditation and yoga practices, to promote mental clarity and increase energy levels faster. Although reishi cannot take away from your efforts alone, it can speed the path to your desired destination more quickly by improving energy levels and mental clarity.

Reishi mushroom is widely recognized for its ability to soothe and calm the central nervous system and alleviate insomnia, leading to its popular moniker as the “mushroom of immortality.”1

Reishi mushrooms have long been used as natural antidepressants. By elevating serotonin levels and balancing neurotransmitters, these mushrooms can help alleviate stress and anxiety which often contributes to insomnia as well as contributing to various health conditions.

Reishi mushroom extract could also help lower high blood pressure; however, before adding it to your diet or taking medication for conditions such as diabetes or cardiovascular disease it’s wise to consult your physician first.

Reishi boasts many other health-enhancing properties, such as regulating inflammation and stimulating natural killer cells that help fight cancer cells – this is why its potential as an anticancer treatment has been investigated extensively.

Promotes Concentration

Reishi mushrooms provide your immune system with an extra boost even when you don’t feel sick. Their effects include altering genes in white blood cells to lower inflammation levels and make you better equipped to combat infections. Furthermore, Reishi mushroom consumption supports probiotic bacteria growth for gut health benefits and promotes the creation of an effective microbiome.

Reishi mushroom extract has proven itself an effective remedy in terms of sleep: decreasing time to fall asleep and length of overall restful slumber. They may even help regulate our circadian rhythm, helping prevent disruptions that could lead to insomnia.

Reishi mushrooms contain polysaccharides that promote relaxation and sleep, as well as triterpenes with sedative properties that can reduce stress and anxiety levels when used regularly. They may even help lower levels of anxiety among users if used consistently; Reishi mushrooms may benefit both adults and kids who require assistance sleeping – provided there are no allergies to mushrooms involved.

Reishi mushrooms are generally safe when taken at recommended dosages; however, more research needs to be conducted before concluding they’re safe for pregnant or breastfeeding women or those taking medication for high blood pressure or heart disease. Reishi may interact with these medications and prevent normal clotting, so always check with your physician first before consuming these mushrooms; additionally they could increase bleeding if your platelet count drops significantly.

Supports Liver Health

Ganoderma lucidum, commonly referred to as Reishi mushrooms, have long been used in Chinese medicine as “Mushroom of Immortality.” Studies have also demonstrated how Reishi can adjust key cell receptors and help protect healthy cells from being destroyed by natural enzymes found in our bodies. As such, Reishi provides powerful liver health support by healing existing liver damage while protecting healthy ones from destruction by natural enzymes.

Reishi can boost your immune system and combat inflammation, which is often the root of chronic illnesses. Reishi’s phytochemical ingredients may change genes that contribute to inflammation.

Reishi mushroom benefits also include the potential to lower blood pressure. More research must be conducted in this regard before any definitive statements can be made regarding this effect.

Reishi mushrooms offer another potential benefit by helping the growth of good gut bacteria that can improve digestion and promote a healthier metabolism. Reishi contains beta glucans which encourage the formation of probiotics within your digestive tract.

If you want to incorporate Reishi mushrooms into your daily life, look for products containing high-grade reishi extract. The ideal products should be manufactured using organic or wild-harvested ingredients without additives and fillers, such as powders, capsules, drink mixes or even gummies that adhere to GMP standards and contain Ganoderma Lucidum on their label as well.

Supports Skin Health

Reishi mushrooms can serve as an adaptogen that can help your body find balance when experiencing occasional stress and fatigue. By helping balance cortisol levels, they may also prevent other hormonal imbalances that affect mood or energy levels.

Mushroom beta-glucan antioxidants and polysaccharides can be highly effective at drawing moisture to your skin, providing it with an instantaneous burst of hydration, especially beneficial for dry skin types. Furthermore, this deep infusion can also reduce fine lines and wrinkles for a refreshed, plump complexion.

Reishi mushrooms contain many immunity-enhancing components such as immuno-boosting peptides, beta-glucans, amino acids and polyphenols that have been demonstrated to strengthen your immune system by stimulating white blood cell production. According to one 2019 study published in Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, oral consumption of Reishi mushrooms could increase both B and T cell populations within your body – giving your natural defenses more strength against infection or illness.

To leverage the reishi mushroom benefits for your complexion, seek products containing Ganoderma lucidum (also known as Lingzhi mushrooms) extract or powder form. Such products should be free from chemical additives and produced using Good Manufacturing Practices; additionally they should be supported by research as well as certified organic or wild-harvested. Serums with Reishi in addition to other powerful anti-aging ingredients is an ideal way to maintain glowing and beautiful skin!

Promotes Sleep

Reishi mushrooms have long been used as an effective sleep aid, helping users relax and get better restful nights’ rest.* Their calming effects on the nervous system and hormone balance could likely contribute. Furthermore, Reishi is said to reduce stress levels as well as symptoms associated with insomnia like lack of energy.*

Reishi for fatigue should be used as part of a healthy lifestyle that includes regular physical activity, relaxing activities and an appropriate diet. Reishi powder can be added to drinks or taken directly as a supplement, although for maximum efficacy you should opt for third-party certified brands so you can ensure they contain what they claim they do.

Reishi can help improve immune function by increasing white blood cell production to fight infections and diseases.* Studies conducted in 2012 published by Molecules journal demonstrated its potential to lower blood pressure and enhance quality of life – but please remember this isn’t meant as a replacement for medication; prior to making any decisions based on Reishi alone! Additionally, Reishi may promote brain health, with combination using Lion’s Mane mushroom offering even greater restful night’s rest* *Lions Mane mushroom is included as part of our new Super Mood & Rest formula! *Lions Mane is now part of our new Super Mood & Rest formula!

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Cordyceps fungus is a parasitic fungi that lives within insects’ larvae or bodies, according to animal studies. Studies conducted on cordyceps showed it stimulated white blood cells that fight cancerous tissue while stimulating cell regeneration processes in nearby tissue.

Fungus may help reduce complications associated with certain cancer treatments; however, more research needs to be completed in this area.

Energy Booster

If you want a natural energy boost without any of the side effects associated with synthetic energy drinks, cordyceps mushrooms could provide just what you need. They stimulate both your central nervous system and adrenal glands for an uninterrupted supply of natural energy to your body – helping overcome fatigue while maintaining peak performance even in high-intensity training and athletic competition.

Cordyceps mushroom has long been recognized as an energy booster due to its ability to increase adenosine triphosphate (ATP) levels in your system, the main energy carrier in all cells and responsible for providing energy across your entire system. Cordyceps is abundant with essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients which aid the body’s production of ATP.

Research also indicates that cordyceps may help increase oxygen uptake in the body, which could improve exercise performance and endurance. Furthermore, its fat metabolism boosting benefits could reduce fatigue for an enhanced workout session.

This functional mushroom is loaded with antioxidants that provide protection from free radical damage, reduce oxidative stress, and delay the aging process to enhance overall health and well-being. Research also shows it to help reduce inflammation while supporting cellular health – keeping you feeling your best and at peak performance!

Cordyceps may help your health by inhibiting cancerous cell growth. Studies conducted on in vitro samples have demonstrated this fact; animal tests have also demonstrated it. Furthermore, animal research shows cordyceps to be beneficial in mitigating chemotherapy and radiation side effects like leukopenia – low white blood cell counts which makes your body vulnerable to illness – by decreasing side effects like leukopenia which causes low white blood cell counts making you vulnerable to infection or illness.

Mushrooms have long been considered an essential part of holistic medicine due to their powerful health-promoting properties. Mushrooms can boost immunity and heart health, enhance athletic performance, increase sexual function and even prevent aging – with capsule, tablet and powder forms readily available, it’s easy to incorporate mushrooms into your daily regimen – just ensure any products contain cordyceps species with proven medicinal uses such as Cordyceps sinensis or Cordyceps militaris mushrooms for best results.

Strengthens the Immune System

Cordyceps mushrooms may not only improve energy and strength, but they may also strengthen immunity system function. This is due to being an adaptogen: helping your body adapt to stress by relieving fatigue. Furthermore, cordyceps mushrooms have also been known to enhance physical stamina and performance which makes it particularly popular among athletes who need assistance training harder without fatigue setting in.

Cordyceps fungus has proven itself so efficient as an alternative treatment option that it has even been utilized as an alternative chemotherapy regimen. Cordyceps has even been shown to help treat leukopenia – a side effect from certain cancer therapies which reduces white blood cells, leaving individuals vulnerable to infection or illness. Animal and test tube studies have demonstrated cordyceps’ effectiveness at suppressing tumor growth while stimulating healthy cell division.

Fungus may enhance immune function in another way by increasing blood flow to the liver and non-exercising skeletal muscles, making it easier for the body to eliminate lactic acid that builds up during physical exertion, leading to fatigue-induced fatigue. According to one study, subjects taking supplements containing cordyceps and Rhodiola crenulata (a medicinal plant that increases oxygen availability) experienced greater aerobic capacity during high intensity exercises.

Finally, cordyceps is loaded with antioxidants that can protect the body against free radical damage and oxidative stress that contribute to aging. In fact, one study published in “Phytotherapy Research” demonstrated how cordyceps can help delay aging by increasing levels of superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase; two powerful antioxidants that combat oxidative stress.

Cordyceps grows naturally on insect larvae in nature and is commonly known as caterpillar fungus. Due to safety considerations, cordyceps must first be harvested from its insect husk before being dried before consumption can occur. For maximum purity and potency, only buy cordyceps that is sustainably farmed on oats such as those available through Om.

Enhances Cognitive Function

Cordyceps mushroom benefits for brain health include its ability to enhance learning and memory as well as increase mental clarity. One study demonstrated this effect by increasing cellular energy and ATP levels in mice brains, helping them perform better on cognitive tests. Another study of mice given cordyceps diet demonstrated how it reduced microglial activation caused by oxidative stress as well as lower expression of inflammatory genes involved with autoimmune diseases while simultaneously increasing expression of beneficial genes.

Cordyceps may produce these effects through its natural source of adenosine. Adenosine acts as an all-natural stimulant that improves alertness and focus by binding to receptors in the brain. Furthermore, cordyceps contains other beneficial compounds like polysaccharides and cordycepin that provide protection from oxidative stress while encouraging positive cell growth.

Cordyceps mushrooms provide another potential benefit for brain health: their potential to reverse ischemic conditions, which are characterized by reduced blood flow to the brain. One study with mice suffering from this condition found that cordyceps increased brain tissue growth and helped increase healthy neurons in the hippocampus – suggesting it might prevent damage caused by ischemia as well as provide some protection from Alzheimer’s disease.

While these results are promising, more research needs to be conducted in order to ascertain exactly how cordyceps mushrooms may benefit humans. Studies should address optimal dosages, long-term use and potential interactions with medications or health conditions that require further investigation.

Attaining optimal cordyceps supplement results is of the utmost importance and must follow recommended dosages. Look for supplements containing the entire fruiting body of the mushroom as this contains all essential vitamins, minerals, and bioactive compounds. Functional mushrooms work best when taken along with a diet rich in nutrient dense foods, regular exercise routines, and adequate sleep patterns. Some may notice its cognitive enhancement effects quickly while others require several weeks before experiencing its benefits – it is always wise to consult a healthcare professional prior to including any new supplements in their regiment.

Promotes Healthy Sleep

Cordyceps mushrooms are parasitic – that means they grow inside of caterpillars or insects and then extend their fruiting bodies out through an insect’s husk – meaning when people seek them out to use, they typically obtain just their fruiting bodies – perfect for eating whole or ground down into powder for teas, smoothies and other health products.

Fungus has long been used in China for medicinal purposes, often combined with other herbs to form tonics or blended into tinctures for stronger dosage.

Fungus can be found growing all around the world and is most frequently used as a supplement to boost energy levels and maintain normal blood pressure within healthy ranges. Furthermore, its extracts have also proven useful in treating various respiratory conditions.

Cordyceps mushrooms may help improve your sleep quality and ensure a good night’s rest. Studies show they increase oxygenated blood flow to cells, leading to more production of ATP — the energy source behind cells — during your nightly restful slumber. With more ATP in your system and fueling muscles and brain activity during restorative sleep cycles, your day ahead can feel less daunting than ever!

Cordyceps can serve as an energy-boosting adaptogen by inducing the production of nerve growth factor and brain-derived neurotrophic factor proteins that support nerve cell development and normal functioning, providing additional benefits such as increasing mental alertness throughout the day and strengthening memory retention.

Cordyceps may provide additional health benefits, including improved liver and heart function, slower aging and overall immune system performance enhancement, reduced inflammation and better blood sugar regulation. They’re generally safe to consume and can easily be integrated into recipes; those with bleeding issues or autoimmune disorders should avoid cordyceps altogether; like other mushrooms they’re available as capsules, tablets or powder.

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Multiple preclinical and clinical studies on Basidiomycota mushrooms Agaricus blazei Murill (ABM), Hericium erinaceum (HE) and Grifola frondosa (GF), constituents of AndosanTM mushroom extract, have demonstrated increased longevity.

Benefits of ABM mushrooms have also been seen against cancer, infections and allergy/asthma symptoms; this appears to be linked to their ability to stimulate innate immunity through binding with pattern recognition receptors and activating pattern-recognition receptors. b-glucans found in ABM have long been used as activators agents that increase its efficacy for such purposes.

Boosts Immune System

Researchers conducted a scientific study in 2008 which demonstrated that extracts from A. blazei Murill (ABM) mushroom fruiting bodies contained antiviral, antifungal and anti-tumor properties as well as immune-enhancing effects, including stimulating T-cell response while activating macrophages and natural killer cells. Furthermore, ABM mushrooms contained high amounts of beta-glucans which are natural polysaccharides composed of d-glucose monomers; beta-glucans have been demonstrated to boost immunity by stimulating white blood cell production as well as inhibiting tumor cell proliferation.

ABM extracts have been successfully employed to treat numerous diseases, such as diabetes, cancer, high cholesterol levels, hepatitis, skin problems and high blood pressure. ABM has also been shown to reduce infections like pneumonia and sepsis – in one animal study ABM extract commonly known as Andosan (TM) was administered to mice suffering acute lung infections to see how effective its application would be; its administration resulted in significantly decreased bacteria levels in their blood and an increase survival estimate among mice suffering pneumococcal sepsis patients.

Further research has demonstrated the capabilities of ABM mushrooms as immune boosters, antitumor agents, antifungals, antivirals, antiparasitics, antibiotics and immunomodulators. Extracts from their fruiting bodies and mycelial network have been found to promote macrophage, natural killer cell production, T-cells and B-cell activity as well as increase activity of phagocytic cells that detect foreign substances and destroy them.

Researchers conducted in this study also discovered that ABM extracts combined with d-mannitol had significant antitumor, antifungal, antibacterial and immunomodulatory properties, as well as enhanced natural killer cell activity and suppressing cancerous cell proliferation in human colons.

ABM fungus is widely utilized as a health supplement in Japan due to its positive impact on immune health. According to reports, its b-glucans help regulate glucose levels, improve insulin resistance and maintain a healthy blood sugar level; plus it’s believed to promote white blood cell production and increase levels of nitric oxide production within the body.

Lowers Cholesterol Levels

Studies have demonstrated that Agaricus blazei mushrooms can significantly lower cholesterol levels by blocking enzymes which produce and break down fatty acids in the liver, thus leading to reduced total and LDL (bad) cholesterol. Furthermore, Agaricus blazei also protects heart tissue against oxidative damage by binding free radicals – helping prevent heart disease, strokes, and other cardiovascular illnesses.

The agaricus blazei mushroom, native to Brazil and has long been used by local residents there for medicinal use, is commonly known as Cogumelo do Sol or Mushroom of the Sun; Himematsutake can also be cultivated for medicinal use in Japan and embraced across different cultures worldwide due to its anti-ageing benefits and belief that it supports longevity.

Agaricus blazei is an immunomodulating mushroom with beta-glucan polysaccharides known to boost immunity, promote antitumor protection, and help control diabetes symptoms. Furthermore, this substance may even help with blood pressure control as well.

One study demonstrated that Agaricus blazei significantly lowered levels of triglycerides and cholesterol in diabetic mice fed a high-fat diet. Furthermore, agaricus blazei inhibited inflammation processes while increasing natural killer cell activity in their livers of mice with alcohol liver injury.

Studies have also demonstrated the many ways Agaricus Blazei can benefit cancer patients by increasing quality of life and lessening side effects, according to South Korean researchers who concluded that those taking Agaricus Blazei as part of chemotherapy treatments for cervical, ovarian or endometrial cancer experienced less hair loss and more emotional stability than those not taking any agaricus Blazei supplements during chemotherapy treatment.

Agaricus blazei is an exceptional medicinal mushroom with numerous health advantages. As an immunomodulating and fungus-rich immune booster, this medicinal mushroom boasts numerous health advantages that may help strengthen one’s immunity – ideal for people frequently travelling, teachers and nurses, or anyone whose immune system is constantly under stress. When supplementing with Agaricus blazei one may also experience relief in terms of decreased fatigue levels as well as better concentration and immune functioning.

Helps Fight Cancer

Blazei mushrooms are well-known for their anti-aging benefits. Packed with antioxidants that can boost your immunity and lower risk factors like diabetes and cardiovascular disease, these powerful mushrooms also aid memory and concentration while providing essential amino acids such as leucine, glutamic acid and cysteine for healthy brain functioning as well as compounds which may help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Agaricus blazei murrill’s immune-boosting properties can be attributed to its high concentration of beta glucans, polysaccharides derived from d-glucose monomers that serve as strong stimulators of natural killer cells, macrophages and dendritic cells as well as possessing antitumor and antiviral activities as well as helping modulate blood sugar and cholesterol. Multiple studies have demonstrated this.

Researchers conducted a human study and discovered that patients with cervical and ovarian cancer who took b-glucan extract had improved quality of life, better appetite, and experienced less fatigue during chemotherapy treatments. Furthermore, natural killer cell activity increased, which may help protect against some forms of cancer.

Another study concluded that b-glucans from Agaricus Blazei Murrill can boost immune responses against cancerous tumors in mice. Furthermore, these b-glucans increased survival rate among these mice as well as inhibiting growth of breast and prostate cancer cells.

These fantastic benefits of Agaricus Blazei Murrill are what make it such an invaluable supplement for people living with cancer or other serious medical conditions. However, to obtain maximum efficacy it’s vital that the product you purchase comes from a trustworthy source, free from toxins such as aflatoxins and mycotoxins; additionally look for supplements with standardized extract of mushroom mushrooms for maximum efficacy; additionally ensure it has a certificate of analysis or labelling with active ingredients and dosage information on it to prove authenticity of product purchased.

Promotes Healthy Skin

Blazei mushrooms are nutrient-rich superfoods packed with powerful antioxidants such as b-glucans, ergosterol and agaricin that support healthy cell function and can even reduce inflammation caused by chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), fibromyalgia or rheumatoid arthritis.

AbM, or Agricus Blazei Murrill Mushroom, is a basidiomycete brown fungus widely utilized as a medicinal mushroom to combat arteriosclerosis, cancer and hyperlipidemia. In Japan this variety of AbM mushroom is commonly known as Himematsutake; in Brazil where it’s cultivated it’s cogumelo do Sol medicinel; while China calls it Jisongrong/himematsutake

Mushrooms are widely believed to help support overall body health and wellness. Packed with polysaccharides that boost immunity, these mushrooms also offer essential protein, amino acids and vitamin resources for our diets.

A 2008 study demonstrated that b-glucans from Agaricus Blazei could stimulate natural killer cells and macrophages, two essential defenders in our defense system. Furthermore, these compounds caused myeloid-derived suppressor cells to transform into M1 type cells that block tumor cell immune evasion.

One key benefit of these mushrooms is their ability to reduce cholesterol levels and block the production of triglycerides, while also having anti-inflammatory effects which can provide relief for conditions such as atopic dermatitis, rosacea, psoriasis and eczema.

Studies indicate that Agaricus Blazei exhibits many biological activities, such as antitumor and antiviral properties. Furthermore, its consumption may help decrease gallstone formation while simultaneously increasing bone density.

Himematsutake, Cogumelo do Sol and “Mushroom of Life” are just a few names given to exotic mushrooms widely revered across cultures worldwide. Try adding them to your diet now to reap all their advantages – you will feel stronger, healthier and happier as a result. Incorporate these powerful natural remedies into recipes you already enjoy for maximum effect; Blazei mushrooms offer unique almond-like flavoring that pairs perfectly with many dishes!

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Ashwagandha benefits include reducing stress, improving sleep and energy levels, and supporting healthy hormones. It also increases muscle strength, according to a 2015 study.

Smaller studies and test-tube research suggest that ashwagandha may improve cognitive function. But larger clinical trials are needed to confirm these findings.

People taking antidiabetes medications should avoid ashwagandha, as it may increase their blood sugar levels. It may also interact with some high blood pressure medications and immunosuppressants.

Reduces Stress

Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb that has gained popularity for its ability to reduce anxiety and stress, support restful sleep, increase energy levels and boost sexual function. It also has been shown to improve cognitive functioning in some populations. It has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years, and recent research suggests that it can help treat several health conditions, including depression.

It is thought that the calming effects of ashwagandha are due to its ability to lower cortisol levels. High levels of this hormone activate the body’s fight-or-flight response, which can have serious health consequences over time. Ashwagandha has been found to decrease stress and anxiety by lowering cortisol levels, which allows the body to relax and promotes healthy sleep cycles.

In one study, 130 adults with self-reported stress and anxiety were randomized to take a standardized ashwagandha root extract or placebo for 30 days. They were asked to rate their feelings of stress and anxiety and also had their blood cortisol levels measured. Participants taking ashwagandha reported feeling calmer and more relaxed compared to those who took the placebo. They also had better sleep patterns and were able to focus more easily.

Ashwagandha can be taken in capsules, powders and tinctures, but most clinical trials have used concentrated liquid preparations of the plant roots. It is best to look for products that are standardized to contain a certain percentage of withanolides, which is the chemical in ashwagandha responsible for its beneficial properties. The ideal dose for ashwagandha to lower stress and anxiety is 250-600 mg per day, taken 3 times daily or as directed by a doctor.

It’s important to note that ashwagandha does not remove underlying causes of stress and anxiety, like work or family pressures, so it should be used in conjunction with other methods of stress reduction. Increasing exercise, getting enough sleep and practicing meditation are all good ways to reduce stress. In addition, eating a healthy diet full of fruits and vegetables is essential for overall health. It’s also important to avoid substances that may cause stress or anxiety, such as caffeine, alcohol and nicotine.

Promotes Healthy Sleep

Ashwagandha has long been used in Ayurvedic medicine to support sleep and promote well-being. It may do so in two ways: directly by influencing sleep, or indirectly by lowering stress, which can benefit sleep (Kaushik, 2017). The herb contains compounds that are similar to natural sedatives. The withanolides in ashwagandha stimulate the brain’s GABA activity, which reduces nervous system activity and makes it easier to fall asleep. This is why ashwagandha is often called a natural sleep aid.

The root extract of ashwagandha also acts as an adaptogen, which strengthens the body’s nonspecific stress response by normalizing cortisol levels. This reduces the stress that triggers sleep disruption and anxiety. The herb has also been shown to decrease waking after sleep and improve mood, mental alertness, and cognitive functions (Langade, 2019).

In one double-blind clinical study, participants who were given full-spectrum ashwagandha root extract twice daily for ten weeks saw improvements in several sleep markers compared to those who took placebos. These included sleep efficiency, sleep onset latency, and overall quality of sleep (Langade, 2019).

Other studies have found that ashwagandha can help people fall asleep more quickly. It can also increase a person’s maximum oxygen consumption, or VO2 max, when used alongside resistance training. VO2 max is an important measure of heart and lung health, and lower VO2 max is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

Another benefit of ashwagandha is that it can boost muscle strength and endurance. This is due to the fact that it increases a person’s nitric oxide levels, which allows more blood flow to the muscles and enhances protein synthesis during workouts (Bal, 2017).

In addition, ashwagandha can reduce fatigue and increase a person’s energy levels in general. It is recommended that people try a combination of herbs and supplements like ashwagandha to get the most out of their experience. However, it’s always best to talk with a healthcare provider to find out which options are safe for you. They can determine if the herb is safe for you based on your health history and current medications.

Increases Energy Levels

Ashwagandha is a great natural energy booster and improves your mood. It is also a powerful antioxidant that can help protect against free radical damage to your body, including your skin. It reduces inflammation and promotes healthy sleep patterns. Ashwagandha is used by men to improve testosterone levels and fertility, while studies show that it can help relieve arthritis pain and regulate blood sugar in people with type-2 diabetes.

The plant contains chemicals that enhance cognitive function, including the two main compounds called withanolides, which have been shown to improve memory and brain function in animal and human tests. These compounds are believed to work by inhibiting the production of amyloid plaque, which is associated with Alzheimer’s disease. The herb can be found in many different forms, including capsules and powder, but the most effective is a standardised extract, which has been labelled to reflect its concentration of withanolides.

In Ayurvedic medicine, ashwagandha has been used for over 6,000 years, and it is considered a rasayana (a rejuvenating herb). It has the following medicinal properties: root: Tonic, aphrodisiac, narcotic, diuretic, anthelmintic, astringent, stimulant and thermogenic. It smells like a horse, which is why it is called ashwagandha (ashwa means horse and gandha refers to the scent).

Seed: The seed has astringent properties and is recommended in debility of old age, vata dosha and rheumatism. It can be mixed with milk to treat emaciation in children and also in hysteria, anxiety, insomnia, memory loss etc. It is also a good tonic for the eyes and helps in curing conjunctivitis, cataracts and other eye diseases.

Research shows that ashwagandha may be helpful for improving depression, stress and anxiety in adults. It can be taken in conjunction with other herbal remedies, such as turmeric and ginseng, for the best results. It’s important to consult with your doctor before taking any new herbs, especially if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or have other health conditions. It’s also a good idea to talk to an integrative health specialist before starting any new supplements, so they can make sure you’re getting the right dose.

Strengthens the Immune System

Ashwagandha is a powerful herb that supports the body’s natural immune system by enhancing its overall performance. It also reduces oxidative stress that impacts immune function. Ashwagandha has been found to stimulate the production of lymphocytes and macrophages, specialized cells that help the body fight against infection, inflammation and cancer. It has also been shown to increase the activity of natural killer cells, a type of white blood cell that identifies and destroys infected or tumorous cells.

This herbal immunity booster is a great addition to your daily health regimen. But it’s important to work with a naturopathic doctor or integrative health specialist to determine the appropriate dosage for your needs. It’s also recommended to avoid taking too much, as this can increase your risk of side effects.

One of the reasons why ashwagandha is known as an adaptogen is because it helps to balance the body’s hormone levels and prevents chronic stress from suppressing healthy immune responses. It does this by regulating the production of cytokines, which are proteins that coordinate immune responses. This way, the immune system remains active without overreacting and causing inflammation.

The antimicrobial properties of ashwagandha inhibit the growth of harmful microorganisms that can cause infections, including bacteria and fungus. This prevents the fungi and bacteria from overgrowing in your system, which can lead to low immunity.

Another way ashwagandha enhances immune function is by reducing the amount of free radicals in the body. These free radicals can damage the immune system and cause a number of health problems, such as aging, chronic diseases, neurodegeneration and even cancer. The antioxidants in ashwagandha protect the immune system by stabilizing free radical levels, which improves immune response and prevents inflammation and disease.

As a result of all these benefits, ashwagandha has been shown to promote long-term immune system resilience. Research has shown that regular consumption of ashwagandha can enhance the body’s ability to fight infection, as well as reduce oxidative stress, which can negatively impact the immune system. You can find ashwagandha in many forms, including teas and supplements. However, you should always do your research to find a quality brand. You can start by asking staff members at natural foods stores for recommendations. Then, you can check each brand’s certifications and testing standards to ensure that the product is safe and effective.

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Adding hemp seeds to your diet is a delicious way to get omega 3 and fiber. They contain a combination of insoluble and soluble fiber that helps with regularity.

Hemp seeds and oil are also good sources of omega-3, which are necessary to obtain through a food source as the body can’t make them. They have an optimum ratio of omega-3 to omega-6.

Heart health

The omega-3 fatty acids found in hemp seed help to lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart blockages and prevent heart problems. Hemp seeds also contain the amino acid arginine, which produces nitric oxide in the body, helping to keep blood vessels and arteries healthy. Studies have shown that consuming hemp seeds and oil can improve heart health by lowering blood cholesterol levels, reducing blood triglycerides and protecting the liver.

Hempseeds are also a source of magnesium, which plays a role in promoting bone health. The mineral helps to build and strengthen bones, which can help reduce the risk of osteoporosis as we age. The seeds are high in fiber, which is another important component of a healthy diet. When eaten, the fiber helps to keep you feeling full, which can aid in weight loss.

A good way to incorporate hemp seeds into your diet is to add them to smoothies or breakfast bowls. You can also find hemp milk, nut butter and protein powder made from the seeds. You should consult your doctor before consuming hempseeds if you are taking any medications, especially anticoagulants or other drugs that may interact with them.

Hulled hemp seeds (also known as hemp hearts) are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids. They have a higher omega-3 to omega-6 ratio than flax seeds or chia seeds, and are an excellent source of gamma linolenic acid (GLA). GLA is a plant-based omega-6 fatty acid that has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties. It has also been used to ease PMS symptoms and reduce menopause symptoms.

Hemp seeds are a good source of protein, which is an important building block for muscle. They are also rich in minerals like manganese, magnesium and calcium. The seeds are also a good source of iron, which is important for red blood cell production. Research has shown that the combination of these nutrients can aid in building and maintaining strong muscles and preventing bone loss. The seeds are a good source of antioxidants, which can help protect against free radical damage to cells.

Skin health

Hemp seed oil is rich in gamma linolenic acid (GLA), an omega-6 polyunsaturated fat, which has anti-inflammatory properties. It’s also a great source of antioxidants, including myrcene and caryophyllene, which have been found to minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. The oil can be applied directly to the skin or added to your beauty products. It is a non-comedogenic oil that won’t clog pores and can be used on both dry and oily skin types. The oil’s emollient and lubricating qualities can help nourish and moisturize the skin. It can even help prevent dryness and itchiness, and the anti-microbial properties may help keep acne and other breakouts at bay.

Hemp seed oils are also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, such as alpha linolenic acid (ALA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which are important for healthy brain function and a healthy pregnancy. The human body can convert ALA into DHA and EPA, but the conversion is very slow and it is easier to get these omega-3 fats from foods like walnuts, flaxseed and hemp seeds or hemp seed oil.

One study found that consuming hemp oil can improve symptoms of atopic dermatitis, or eczema, by reducing inflammation and boosting skin cell growth. Another study found that people with eczema who supplemented their diets with ALA had less itching and required fewer topical treatments than those without the condition.

Aside from nourishing and moisturizing the skin, hemp oil can also repair and protect the outer layer of the skin by helping retain moisture and inhibiting oxidation. The oil can help treat atopic dermatitis, psoriasis and rashes caused by allergies or environmental irritants.

For the best results, combine hemp seed oil with shea butter, jojoba oil or safflower oil and add drops of essential oils for a more personalized treatment. Gently apply the mixture to the face and neck for a soothing, anti-aging effect. For a deep hydration, try using the oil as a facial mask, leaving it on for about 15 to 20 minutes before washing off. The oil can also be applied to the scalp and hair, as it has a softening and nourishing effect on both.


Hemp seeds are a good source of omega-3 and omega-6 fats, which the body cannot produce on its own. They also contain magnesium, which helps regulate the heartbeat. Hemp seed oil is high in linoleic acid, which lowers cholesterol and may help prevent heart disease. It is also a rich source of gamma linolenic acid, which reduces inflammation and has anti-inflammatory effects similar to those of drugs like ibuprofen.

Hemp seed oil is also a great source of protein, which contains all the essential amino acids. It is also rich in minerals, such as calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus and sulfur. It is also a natural source of vitamin E, containing more than twice as much per serving than soybean oil.

Inflammation in the body is a major cause of chronic health conditions, such as arthritis, diabetes and heart disease. Hemp seed oil is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, which can help reduce inflammation and fight free radicals. It is also a good source of omega-6 fatty acids, such as gamma linolenic (GLA) and stearidonic acid (SDA).

GLA is an important component of cell membranes, which plays a role in hormone regulation and immune system function. Hemp seed oil is also rich in an amino acid called arginine, which turns into nitric oxide when ingested and can help maintain blood pressure levels.

Hemp seed oils have a healthy 3:1 ratio of omega-3 to omega-6, making it a beneficial addition to any diet. It is also a good source of dietary fiber, which can help alleviate constipation and promote gastrointestinal health.

Hemp oil is a healthy and delicious cooking oil that has many benefits, including the ability to reduce cholesterol. It also contains a variety of vitamins and minerals, such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur, iron, zinc and copper. It is also a good source of phytosterols, which can help reduce cholesterol and protect against heart disease and cancer. The dietary fiber in hemp seeds can also improve digestive problems and promote weight loss. In addition, hemp oil can also be used to treat dermatitis and other skin conditions.

Immune system

Hemp seed oil is a versatile, healthy alternative to fish oil. It can be ingested and applied topically, has a delicious nutty flavour, is eco-friendly, sustainable, vegan-friendly, does not contain mercury or other toxic heavy metals, and has high levels of omega 3, alpha linolenic acid (ALA) and the important biological metabolite of ALA, gamma linolenic acid (GLA). Hemp seeds are also an excellent source of magnesium, known for its role in heart health.

Unlike most vegetable oils, hempseed is rich in both omega 3 and omega 6 essential fatty acids, with a perfect 3:1 ratio of EPA and DHA to LA. This is a result of its unique genetics and the fact that the plant is an excellent natural source of a special form of vitamin E, delta-linolenic acid (DHA), which can only be made from marine algae. The human body cannot synthesise these fats so they must be consumed in the diet, and fish are an important source of them.

Your innate immune system is active as soon as you are born, and it is responsible for defending against pathogens like bacteria and viruses. It does this by forming physical barriers, such as the skin and lining of the gastrointestinal tract, or by attacking germs that have already entered the body.

The innate immune system is supported by the adaptive immune system, which is designed to recognise specific strains of bacteria or viruses and respond accordingly. It is also supported by specialised cells that neutralize the pathogens’ toxins or destroy their cell walls.

Studies have shown that consuming more omega 3 fatty acids helps boost the activity of the adaptive immune system. This in turn helps fight inflammation and infection, slows down the aging process, and protects against neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

The key to the anti-inflammatory effect of omega 3 fatty acids is the presence of a particular amino acid called arginine, which converts to nitric oxide in the body. Nitric oxide is a vasodilator, helping to widen blood vessels and decrease inflammation. Hemp seed oil contains high levels of arginine and omega 3 fatty acids, which can help reduce inflammation in the body and lower blood pressure.

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Many people take elderberry gummies to help treat colds and flu. It’s also available in syrup and capsule form. Look for a product that is high quality, third-party tested and properly dosed.

This natural supplement may reduce inflammation and increase the effectiveness of antibiotics. It is also a good source of vitamin C and zinc.

Reduces Cold Symptoms

Zinc is a mineral that has been shown to support healthy immune system function and inhibit the replication of viruses. Studies have also found that it can reduce the length and severity of common cold symptoms, including sneezing, runny nose, congestion, coughing and sore throat.

A recent rapid systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials concluded that oral zinc supplements can reduce the duration of cold and flu symptoms. The research specifically looked at trials that compared the effect of zinc lozenges and syrup to placebo in treating colds and influenza. The study noted that, on average, participants who took zinc were symptom-free for two days longer than those who did not take the supplement.

Some studies have found that taking elderberry can help reduce the duration of a cold, but more research is needed. However, elderberry extract is a popular ingredient in many natural remedies, as it is thought to have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and immune modulating properties.

If you’re interested in using a natural supplement to help fight off a common cold or flu, try our Zinc Elderberry ActivMelt capsules. The formula contains immune boosting ingredients like elderberry extract and vitamin C, along with zinc to give your body the extra boost it needs to fight off germs and stay well. Each capsule is made with clean ingredients and flavors, and our ActivMelts are tested for purity and identity – because you deserve the best.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Zinc is an essential nutrient involved in over 300 different enzymes in the body, and is crucial for immune system health. A zinc deficiency can contribute to oxidative stress, which may lead to chronic disease. Research suggests that zinc supplements can help fight oxidative damage and support healthy inflammatory responses.

In one study, elderberry extract shortened the duration of cold and flu symptoms when consumed in lozenge form. This effect was most pronounced when the elderberry was taken within 48 hours of symptom onset. Elderberry was also shown to kill H1N1 (swine flu) virus in lab studies.

The anti-inflammatory properties of elderberry can help alleviate cold and flu symptoms, as well as support cognitive health. Elderberry is a natural source of flavonoids, including anthocyanins, which are phytochemicals known to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. These compounds help to maintain normal blood pressure and cholesterol levels, while reducing inflammation and improving cardiovascular health.

Aside from its immune-boosting benefits, zinc is important for wound healing and plays a role in maintaining normal skin structure. Zinc supports cell growth, enhances the activity of natural killer cells and helps to preserve mucous membrane integrity as a protective barrier against pathogens.

Several human clinical studies have shown that zinc supplementation can reduce the level of the pro-inflammatory substance IL-6 in the body. In these studies, zinc was administered in the form of gluconate or sulfate and was given for a duration of 4 to 72 weeks.

Our NOW® Elderberry & Zinc supplement is made with a proprietary elderberry concentrate formulated with zinc and vitamin C to provide immune support*. The addition of echinacea, slippery elm and propolis completes this formula to deliver additional herbal support.

Respiratory Health

The respiratory health benefits of zinc and elderberry come together in a powerful duo that helps to maintain healthy immune function. Zinc is a mineral that promotes the function of immune cells and enhances their ability to protect against infection and heal wounds. It is also important for maintaining the integrity of mucous membranes, which serve as barriers against pathogens.

Research shows that consuming elderberry can reduce inflammation in the body, as well as inhibit inflammatory proteins called cytokines. In addition, it has been shown to be able to shorten the duration of cold and flu symptoms. In fact, one review found that when ingested as a supplement, elderberry was able to decrease the symptom duration in over half of the studies reviewed.

While the evidence to support the benefits of dietary elderberry is strong, more high-quality human studies are needed to determine whether it can actually prevent or cure a cold or flu. Regardless, it is recommended that anyone who plans to use elderberry extract supplements do so in conjunction with other natural remedies known for their ability to support immune and respiratory health, such as vitamin C and echinacea.

To ensure you are getting the most benefit from your zinc and elderberry supplement, look for a product that contains both ingredients in a highly bioavailable form. This may be in the form of a gummy or lozenge. Additionally, be sure to read the label to make sure you are consuming an appropriate dosage of each ingredient. Finally, before making any significant changes to your nutritional regimen, be sure to consult a healthcare professional. Their knowledge will help you to find the best supplements to support your specific health needs and goals.

Cognitive Health

Zinc is a mineral that can support cognitive health by maintaining a healthy balance of free radicals in the body. Free radicals are unstable molecules that can damage DNA and cell membranes, leading to oxidative stress. The antioxidant properties of zinc help counteract this damage by neutralizing free radicals.

Elderberries are rich in anthocyanins, which are a group of flavonoids with reported anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, and immune-modulating properties. Consuming a diet that is rich in anthocyanins has been linked to better cardiovascular health, lower blood sugar levels, and improved mood.

A recent randomized placebo-controlled trial of 312 air travelers showed that those who took elderberry extract a few days before, during and after their flight experienced less severe cold and flu symptoms than those who did not take the supplement. Furthermore, the researchers found that those who had a high Vitamin C intake and were taking cholinesterase inhibitors (drugs used to treat Alzheimer’s disease) saw an even greater improvement in their symptoms than those who did not take the drug.

Adding elderberries to your daily routine can also promote cognitive health by supporting your brain function. You can find them in a wide variety of supplements, including syrups, lozenges, and capsules. To get the most benefits, look for a product that contains both elderberry and zinc.

In addition, choose a supplement that is USDA-certified organic to ensure that you are getting the most potent and pure form of these two ingredients. The label should clearly indicate the amount of elderberry extract in each capsule, gummy or serving of syrup. It is also important to make sure you are not consuming it with any medications that may interact with the herb.

Immune Boosting

A healthy immune system is like a fortress, protecting us from foreign invaders. But like any military strategy, it’s important to build several lines of defense to keep out the bad guys. A well-rounded diet and dietary supplements like elderberry, vitamin C and zinc can help strengthen your immune system to help fight off the common cold, infections and other health concerns.

The nutrient-dense elderberry is rich in vitamins and minerals such as potassium, vitamin A, vitamin C and iron, giving it antioxidant properties to help combat oxidative stress and free radical damage to cells. It also has immunostimulant properties, encouraging the production of cytokines to help fight infection and support the body’s natural defense systems.

Several clinical studies have supported the antiviral, anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting benefits of elderberry, as well as its ability to reduce the duration of colds. In addition, research shows that the trace mineral zinc plays a role in immune function and helps keep respiratory tract tissues healthy.*

Zinc is an essential nutrient that supports normal immune response and is important for cellular metabolism, wound healing and cognitive health. It is found in a variety of foods, including oysters, pork, beef, beans, nuts and whole grains. The Recommended Daily Amount (RDA) of zinc for adults is 2-13 mg.

NOW’s Curcumin Zinc, Elderberry & D Lozenges deliver a combination of ingredients to help fortify the immune system, including a clinically studied curcumin extract, elderberry concentrate and zinc—all known for their immune-boosting properties. Additionally, we’ve included propolis and slippery elm for additional respiratory and immune support.

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Collagen is a protein found in connective tissue and biotin is a B vitamin. Both are popular supplements sold for their hair, skin and nail benefits.

People can also get collagen and biotin from a healthy diet. Add organ meats like liver and kidney, egg yolks, whole grains, nuts, and leafy greens to your diet.

Strengthens Hair and Nails

Collagen is a protein that makes up the majority of our skin and nails. It’s also a key ingredient in many skincare products. While collagen and biotin both support healthy hair, nails and skin, they work in very different ways and offer distinct beauty benefits.

Biotin, also known as vitamin B7 or vitamin H, is a water-soluble nutrient that works to help enzymes break down fats, carbohydrates and proteins. While it’s often marketed for healthier hair, nails and skin, there is limited evidence that consuming extra biotin will achieve these goals.

As a vitamin, biotin cannot be made by the body, so it must be consumed in the diet. A diet rich in foods that are naturally high in biotin can help your body to get the most out of this important nutrient. Biotin is found in foods like avocados, mushrooms, red meat and salmon. In addition, it’s recommended to consume a variety of whole foods to ensure that your body gets the nutrients it needs to function at its best.

The good news is that both biotin and collagen can be found in the kitchen! Foods that are high in both collagen and biotin include boiled chicken feet (yes, you heard that right) and other cuts of meat with lots of connective tissue, like pot roast, chuck steak and brisket. Eggs, mushrooms and salmon are also great sources of collagen. Additionally, a diet rich in vegetables, fruits and nuts can support healthy collagen production.

Taking a collagen supplement is also a great way to boost your intake. Most collagen supplements are hydrolyzed, which means they have been broken down to make them easier for your body to absorb. These supplements are available in powder form and capsules, and they can be added to smoothies, coffee and other liquids for a quick and easy way to increase your collagen intake. Some supplements even contain keratin, a protein that helps strengthen nails and hair. The key is to identify your key concerns and choose the dietary supplements that will best meet those needs.

Reduces Wrinkles and Fine Lines

Collagen is the protein that supports skin, tendons, ligaments and other connective tissue. As we age, our bodies produce less collagen, leading to sagging and wrinkled skin. Collagen supplements help promote skin health, reducing fine lines and restoring elasticity. It has also been shown to support healthy nails. One study found that participants who ingested 2.5 g of collagen peptides daily had stronger and healthier nails than those who did not take the supplements.

The reason why collagen is the first ingredient listed in products marketed for nail, hair and skin health is that it’s well-researched to be effective. Studies show that taking collagen peptide supplements helps to improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles by stimulating the production of fibroblasts, which are cells that make collagen in your body.

Wrinkles and fine lines appear when collagen is broken down by oxidative stress, which occurs when the body’s antioxidant systems are overwhelmed. When the body is unable to break down excess oxidative stress, it leads to an imbalance that can cause the breakdown of collagen and elastin. In order to combat this process, the body needs a sufficient supply of collagen and other vitamins and minerals.

This is why it’s important to eat a balanced diet that includes foods such as dark leafy vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds. Additionally, it is recommended to supplement your diet with vitamin C, zinc, copper and manganese, as these are all essential for the production of collagen in your body.

Unlike biotin, which is an essential nutrient, the body does not produce collagen, so you must get it from your food or supplements. The most common form of collagen available in supplements is collagen peptides, which are hydrolyzed to be easier for the body to absorb and digest. Typically, the collagen used in these supplements is of high quality and is free from any additives.

As a result, there is very little risk of any side effects from taking collagen supplements. In fact, it is considered safe to consume up to 10 g of collagen a day, which is the amount recommended in a couple of randomized placebo-controlled trials that looked at the effects of collagen on skin hydration and elasticity.

Relieves Joint Pain

Collagen is in the spotlight for strengthening skin, hair and nails. But it’s also known to help relieve joint pain. This is because collagen is the protein that supports connective tissue, including cartilage, ligaments and tendons, which is located in joints. It contains amino acids glycine, proline and hydroxyproline. It is the most abundant protein in the body and helps keep tissues supple and flexible.

As you age, your natural production of collagen decreases, leading to joint pain and stiffness. Research suggests that supplements containing collagen can ease this joint pain by stimulating the growth of new cartilage tissue and reducing inflammation. In fact, a study of athletes found that consuming collagen hydrolysate, which is easily digested and absorbed by the body, reduced knee osteoarthritis symptoms.

Cartilage is a firm, rubbery substance that covers the ends of bones in joints and allows them to move freely without rubbing together. Cartilage is naturally produced in the body, but it can wear away with age and from overuse. This can lead to painful arthritis. The same studies that show the benefits of collagen for skin, hair and nails also show that it can boost cartilage production to alleviate arthritis pain.

A diet rich in collagen can help reduce the risk of osteoarthritis, as well as other health conditions that often come with aging. Adding bone broth to your diet is an excellent source of collagen, and it’s rich in other health-boosting nutrients, such as calcium, magnesium, potassium and zinc.

If you’re interested in taking a collagen supplement to help with joint pain, make sure you read the label carefully to ensure that it is of high quality and free of additives. You should also speak to your healthcare provider before starting any new supplement. There are many different types of collagen supplements on the market, so it’s important to choose one that is appropriate for your individual needs and healthcare recommendations.

Helps Reduce Cholesterol

The protein collagen provides structure to your arteries, which carry blood from your heart throughout the body. When your arteries become less elastic, they may be more susceptible to plaque buildup and the inflammation that causes atherosclerosis, which increases your risk of heart disease and stroke. Collagen can help keep your arteries flexible and reduce your cholesterol levels. In a 6-month study, 31 healthy adults who took collagen daily saw an increase in levels of HDL (good) cholesterol and a decrease in triglycerides, which is a sign of improved heart health (18).

You can get the benefits of collagen through your diet by eating foods rich in it. Many animal-based proteins, including chicken and beef, contain collagen in their skin, tendons, ligaments and bones. Gelatin, bone broth and certain fish also contain a good amount of collagen. You can also try taking a collagen supplement, but be sure to choose one that’s hydrolyzed, which makes it easier for your body to digest.

Another option is a biotin-collagen supplement. Some studies suggest that the combination of the two supplements can improve your hair, nails and skin. However, more research is needed to support these claims.

Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin that helps your body break down fats, carbohydrates and protein. It’s important for the health of your hair, skin and nails and can prevent brittle fingernails. It also helps regulate your glucose levels and promotes normal cell growth, which is why it’s often included in multivitamin supplements for women.

You can find both collagen and biotin in food, but it’s hard to get the recommended amounts of each nutrient through your regular diet. You might be able to boost your intake by adding foods that are rich in both nutrients, like sweet potato salmon patties and paleo keto ramen. The best way to get both collagen and biotin, however, is through a quality supplement. This way, you can be sure that your body is getting the nutrients it needs for optimal health. You should always consult a healthcare professional before taking any new supplements, especially those combining multiple nutrients like biotin and collagen.

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The hericium erinaceus mushroom, better known as Lion’s Mane mushrooms, is one of the few medicinal mushrooms scientifically proven to enhance cognitive function and increase contrast sensitivity. (1)

Lion’s Mane has also been shown to promote NGF (nerve growth factor) production, which can improve memory and nerve health.

Mushrooms can be easily added to your diet and enjoyed in many ways. Mushroom teas have gained popularity as a convenient way to incorporate mushrooms into your daily routine.


Mushrooms are a delicious addition to the diet, providing vitamins and minerals with few calories. They also offer anti-inflammatory properties and can help to reduce oxidative stress. Some mushrooms, including Hericium erinaceus (better known as lion’s mane mushroom) and Ganoderma lucidum, are being studied for their ability to promote brain health. They appear to have the potential to stimulate the production of anti-inflammatory cytokines that protect the cells of the nervous system and prevent neuroinflammation (3).

Reishi mushrooms are also a powerful adaptogen that can support the healthy activation of immune function and the reduction of oxidative stress (4). They can help to balance Shen disturbances and reduce the symptoms of anxiety and depression by nourishing the adrenal glands and promoting the healthy release and circulation of cortisol (5). This supports a healthy inflammatory response in the brain and body and helps improve overall cognitive function (6).

A study published in 2021 found that lion’s mane mushroom (Hericium erinaceus) may have the potential to slow or prevent Alzheimer’s disease by stimulating nerve growth and decreasing the buildup of beta-amyloid plaques associated with this condition (7). More research is needed in this area, however.

In another study, a group of elderly people who took a supplement with lion’s mane mushroom experienced improved memory performance and mental clarity. The researchers theorize that this effect is a result of the mushroom’s antioxidant activity and its ability to inhibit oxidative damage to the nervous system. Further, the supplement was shown to reduce symptoms of mild cognitive impairment in a clinical trial (8). More research is needed to test this hypothesis, however.


Mushrooms are a great source of vitamins and minerals that can help improve brain health. Vitamin E, for example, helps to prevent oxidative stress in the body, which can cause damage to cells and decrease mental functioning with age. Vitamin D is another important nutrient for the brain that can increase neurogenesis and cognitive function.

Medicinal mushrooms like Lion’s Mane (Hericium erinaceus) can help to improve memory by stimulating the release of NGF, which is known to promote new neurons in the brain. It also contains hericenones and erinacines, which are thought to boost synaptic communication in the brain and enhance neuron repair.

These mushrooms can also reduce oxidative stress and improve mood. Chaga mushroom, for example, has been shown to activate the Nrf2 pathway, which encourages cellular detoxification and increases antioxidant production. This may be why chaga is a popular choice among athletes, entrepreneurs and hard-working people who want to elevate their peak performance.

It’s also important to consider other ingredients in a supplement before taking it. Many supplements contain a wide range of ingredients that can deliver different benefits depending on the formula. This can make it difficult to decide what product is best for your personal goals.

While many people take supplements to support brain health, the Global Council on Brain Health recommends consuming most of your nutrients from whole foods. Specifically, the GCBH suggests that you should focus on eating high-quality proteins, healthy fats, low-sodium salt and no processed or refined sugars. This approach can help you to avoid some of the most common brain-health issues such as obesity, heart disease and dementia. This is because these dietary choices are associated with slower rates of cognitive decline and reduced risk of Alzheimer’s.


Medicinal mushrooms like Lion’s Mane (Hericium erinaceus) have been shown to help improve memory by stimulating the release of Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) in the brain. NGF is responsible for improving synaptic communication and helping your body repair existing connections. Lion’s mane has also been shown to promote neurogenesis in the hippocampus, which is the part of your brain that stores memories and makes new ones.

This mushroom is rich in a group of compounds called polysaccharides, which are made up of b-glucans. These are known to boost immune function, reduce oxidative stress, and improve cognitive performance.

Studies have found that these mushrooms may stimulate the production of gamma-linoleic acid, which is known to help prevent cellular aging and protect neurons from toxic damage. (2)

They also contain other important nutrients like iron, magnesium and zinc that contribute to healthy blood flow to your brain. Another important mineral for the brain is selenium, which helps to regulate glutathione levels. Glutathione is a master antioxidant that contributes to the maintenance of normal brain activity and neuroplasticity. It is also crucial to spatial memory.

Adaptogens like Lion’s Mane and Reishi mushrooms are also extremely beneficial for the brain because they work to calm the nervous system, which can lead to better sleep and a stronger mental state. In addition, Reishi and Turkey tail mushrooms have been shown to support the lungs and the respiratory tract, which is important for maintaining optimal breathing and heart health. This is critical for ensuring that your blood is properly circulating throughout your body and into the brain, where it is needed to keep you alert and focused. (3)


Adaptogens are natural herbs that help the body cope with stress and maintain balance. These plants are thought to stimulate the central nervous system and improve cognitive function, such as attention, memory and motivation. They also reduce fatigue and enhance mental performance during chronic stress. Adaptogens have been shown to have antidepressant-like effects, and are used in the treatment of anxiety, depression, immune dysfunction, sleep disorders and chronic fatigue.

Studies have shown that Rhodiola rosea, Schisandra chinensis and Eleutherococcus senticosus have positive effects on mental health by reducing symptoms of fatigue, improving attention and mood. These benefits are believed to be attributed to their ability to regulate the HPA axis and rebalance cortisol levels.

When the body experiences physical or emotional stress, it goes through a general adaptation syndrome. Adaptogens hack the stress response, increasing non-specific resistance and decreasing sensitivity to stressful stimuli. They also prolong the phase of resistance by providing a stimulating effect that holds off exhaustion. This allows you to stay in the resistance stage longer, allowing your brain and body to better deal with the stressors and maintain a healthy state of equilibrium.

Adaptogens can be found in a variety of foods and supplements. They are commonly incorporated into tea blends, such as Rhodiola and Panax ginseng tea, and can also be consumed in the form of powder or capsules. It is important to consult with a naturopathic physician before taking any supplements, including adaptogens, as they may interact with some medications. They can recommend the appropriate dosage strength and formula and advise on how to use these herbal remedies to best support your unique health needs. iHerb offers a wide selection of herbs and supplements, including many adaptogens, at an affordable price.


Nootropics (pronounced noh-U-TROP-iks) are natural, semi-synthetic or synthetic substances that purportedly improve cognitive functions such as executive function, attention and memory. They are found in dietary supplements, nutraceuticals and energy drinks. They also are available as prescription and non-prescription pharmaceutical drugs for specific conditions such as ADHD.

Some examples of nootropics include caffeine and choline. They act by increasing the availability of acetylcholine in neurons, improving the synthesis and uptake of phosphatidylcholine (a molecule used to form cell membranes), and by modulating the processing of APP (amyloid precursor protein).

In addition, they have antihypoxic properties, increase the elimination of oxygen free radicals, stimulate phospholipid metabolism in neurohormonal membranes and promote cellular plasticity through AMPA receptor activation. These effects have been demonstrated in a variety of brain cells including neurons and astrocytes.

Many people take nootropics to boost their intelligence and focus. But there is little clinical evidence of their effectiveness. Moreover, they may have harmful or unpleasant side effects such as nausea, fatigue and insomnia. They may also interact with other medications, supplements and over-the-counter or illicit drugs.

Unlike conventional medications, nootropics are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration. However, they can be safe when taken under the supervision of a doctor. They have low toxicity and few side effects, compared to psychotropic drugs that cause significant sedation and are associated with a high risk of abuse and addiction. Nootropics can improve mental performance in healthy individuals by enhancing concentration, motivation, creativity and memory. They are also thought to protect against age-related brain degeneration. Nevertheless, their benefits vary depending on genetics, dosage and overall baseline health. They are more effective when taken regularly.

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Mushroom gummies provide a palatable option for adding functional mushrooms to your daily supplement regimen. They can support immune function, enhance cognitive ability, alleviate stress and promote relaxation.

They may also offer natural energy boosts and physical stamina, especially in the case of Cordyceps and Lion’s Mane. Choose a mushroom gummy formula that aligns with your wellness objectives to maximize benefits.

Immune Support

Mushroom gummies are a new wellness trend that offers a fun and tasty alternative to mushroom capsules and powders. They’re made by combining extracts and powders from different species of mushrooms with a base of gelatin or plant-based alternatives to create chewy and delicious supplements. Many varieties of mushroom gummies are available to address different health concerns, such as immune support, cognitive enhancement, or athletic performance.

The immune support benefits of mushroom gummies come from their ability to help boost the body’s natural resistance and response to disease. They contain compounds that are known to support the innate immune system, as well as to provide antioxidant protection from oxidative stress and inflammation. They can also promote the proper balance of healthy bacteria in the gut and reduce overall stress levels.

One of the reasons why gummies are becoming a popular choice for immune support is because they’re an effective way to deliver these nutrients to the body without having to break down large, hard-to-digest pills. The unique shape and flavor of gummies can make them more appealing to people who struggle to take supplements like capsules or powders. In addition, the fact that gummies are mess-free and don’t require any mixing with drinks or other ingredients can make them more convenient to consume on a daily basis.

In addition to immune support, some varieties of mushroom gummies can also offer energy-boosting properties. This is because they contain compounds that are known to enhance oxygen utilization and increase endurance, making them a favorite among fitness enthusiasts. Other types of mushroom gummies, such as Cordyceps and Lion’s Mane, may improve brain health by improving focus and memory recall.

While the claims that are made about the benefits of mushroom gummies can be quite impressive, it’s important to understand that nutritional supplements are loosely regulated by the FDA and can only make general wellness-related statements. It’s also a good idea to consult with a doctor before taking any new supplement, including mushroom gummies. This will ensure that you’re getting the best quality and dosage for your needs.

Mood Support

Unlike mushroom capsules and powders, which require a specific dosage and can have a bland flavor, gummies are a more convenient option that’s mess-free and easy to enjoy. They also tend to be tastier, making them more likely to be part of your daily routine.

Mushroom gummies typically combine extracts of different mushrooms with gelatin or vegan alternatives to create a chewy, candy-like supplement. They are then formulated to offer a particular wellness benefit and undergo rigorous quality control testing.

For instance, gummies that promote mood support may contain ingredients like Ashwagandha or Lion’s Mane to help relieve stress and enhance focus and concentration. These ingredients may also boost energy levels and combat fatigue, which can directly affect mood. Similarly, gummies designed to boost cognitive health and memory function may feature Cordyceps or Reishi mushroom extracts, which have been linked to improved mental clarity.

Other natural wellness ingredients may also be included in gummies, such as turmeric or ginger. These ingredients may be helpful in reducing inflammation and supporting cardiovascular health, while they can also provide an additional layer of antioxidant protection.

The process of producing mushroom gummies involves heating the mixture to a high temperature to ensure all the active ingredients are fully dissolved. After this, the gummies are molded and allowed to cool and set. The gummies are then subjected to quality control testing and packaging before they are ready for distribution.

While incorporating functional mushrooms into your daily diet is generally safe, it is recommended to speak with a health care practitioner before adding any new supplements to your regimen. Additionally, it’s important to always check the legality of a product before purchasing, as laws and regulations governing dietary supplements can vary by country.

Cognitive Support

Many people are using mushroom gummies to improve their mental health and cognitive function. Several types of mushrooms have been studied for their potential to promote brain health, including Lion’s Mane, Cordyceps, Chaga and Reishi. These are commonly included in mushroom complex gummies to provide a comprehensive range of benefits. To find the best multi-mushroom gummies, look for products that contain high-quality mushroom extracts and are free from artificial ingredients.

To create the gummies, a blend of natural ingredients is combined with a functional mushroom extract. Oftentimes, the gummies are made with gelatin or plant-based alternatives like agar and pectin for texture. They are then heated to achieve the right consistency and activate the gelling agents. The mixture is poured into molds that shape the gummies into their final form. They are then allowed to cool and solidify, before being inspected and packaged for distribution.

Compared to capsules and powders, mushroom gummies are a more convenient and mess-free way to get your daily dose of mushrooms. You can easily take them on-the-go and are not required to add them to drinks or smoothies, which makes it easy to make a habit of taking them every day. You can also find high-quality mushroom gummies that are vegan-friendly, which is a great option for those who follow a plant-based diet.

When choosing a mushroom gummy supplement, check for a third-party certificate of analysis that provides details about the product’s ingredients and potency. The certificate should state exactly what type of mushrooms are used and the concentration of each. It is also important to make sure that the gummies do not contain any fibrous parts of the mushroom (like stems or roots) and that they do not contain any psilocybe mushrooms, which may cause hallucinogenic effects. Once you’ve found the right gummies for your needs, enjoy the many benefits they have to offer. These supplements can help strengthen the immune system, balance emotions, improve cognitive function and much more! They are a delicious and easy-to-use addition to any healthy lifestyle.

Stress Relief

Mushroom gummies are the latest entrant into the wellness market, joining mushroom capsules and powders. They deliver the benefits of functional mushrooms in a portable, no-fuss format that’s easy to take on the go. Gummies are a convenient alternative to traditional mushroom tea and can be eaten with a meal or enjoyed as a snack.

Mushrooms have been cherished for their healing powers for centuries, and are currently enjoying a resurgence in popularity as an ingredient in modern wellness products. They’ve been lauded for their potential immune-boosting, anti-inflammatory, and cognitive enhancement properties.

The ingredients found in a multi-mushroom gummy typically include an array of beneficial mushroom extracts. These ingredients are often backed by scientific research and undergo stringent testing to ensure they deliver on their claimed benefits. When choosing a mushroom supplement, look for gummies that are made in cGMP-certified facilities and contain high-quality, organic mushrooms.

Taking medicinal mushrooms in the form of tea has been a popular method for thousands of years, and many cultures still incorporate it into their health practices. To prepare mushroom tea, mushrooms like Reishi, Lion’s Mane, and Chaga are brewed in hot water, allowing the water-soluble compounds to infuse into the drink. However, preparing and drinking mushroom tea can be time-consuming, particularly for those with busy schedules.

While consuming mushrooms in the form of tea can be helpful for some, others find it difficult to stomach the spongy texture and earthy flavor of the mushrooms. Mushroom gummies offer an alternative, and are also a great option for those who may have difficulty swallowing pills or don’t enjoy the taste of green juices or other smoothie-based supplements.

Mushroom gummies are also a convenient, portable option for busy people who want to boost their mental and physical performance without the use of synthetic stimulants. They’re often formulated with adaptogenic herbs such as Ashwagandha, which can help balance the body’s response to stress and promote relaxation. They can also include Cordyceps and Lion’s Mane, two dynamic functional mushrooms that are known for their energy-boosting abilities. Cordyceps optimizes oxygen use for greater endurance and Lion’s Mane nurtures brain health to support focus and concentration.

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