Reishi mushrooms (Ganoderma lucidum) are well-known adaptogenic herbs that promote healthy responses to stress while supporting hormonal equilibrium, increasing immunity, boosting immunity, and providing other health benefits*.

Small clinical studies with weak designs have indicated that Reishi may help people living with cancer improve their quality of life and alleviate fatigue, as well as possibly having anti-tumor effects and inhibiting tumor growth*.

Boosts Immune System

Studies suggest that Reishi mushrooms help the immune system by strengthening your natural defences and encouraging probiotic bacteria growth – something essential for optimal immunity. Reishi beta glucans encourage this growth through stimulating probiotic bacteria production within your gut; such a strong microbiome ensures optimal immunity.

Mushrooms also possess anti-inflammatory properties that may reduce inflammation that contributes to sleep issues like insomnia and fibromyalgia. Furthermore, research indicates that their polysaccharides found in Ganoderma lucidum mushrooms can significantly decrease anxiety levels as well as stress.

These mushrooms have also been demonstrated to improve mental health, such as memory and cognitive function, by increasing blood flow to the brain, improving oxygenation and nutrient delivery, while their triterpenes contribute to producing nerve growth factor which is essential for normal neurological health.

Reishi can be added to your diet in various forms, including powders, capsules and tea. Before making changes to your routine with any supplements like Reishi, however, be sure to consult a medical provider first – particularly if any preexisting conditions exist, or you are pregnant/breastfeeding.

Mushrooms may affect blood sugar and cause hypoglycemia, so it’s wise to consult a healthcare provider prior to trying them. Furthermore, they are not advised for people who have bleeding disorders, autoimmune conditions, or are taking certain medications.

Supports Mood

Taoists and spiritual seekers have used reishi for centuries as part of their meditation and yoga practices, to promote mental clarity and increase energy levels faster. Although reishi cannot take away from your efforts alone, it can speed the path to your desired destination more quickly by improving energy levels and mental clarity.

Reishi mushroom is widely recognized for its ability to soothe and calm the central nervous system and alleviate insomnia, leading to its popular moniker as the “mushroom of immortality.”1

Reishi mushrooms have long been used as natural antidepressants. By elevating serotonin levels and balancing neurotransmitters, these mushrooms can help alleviate stress and anxiety which often contributes to insomnia as well as contributing to various health conditions.

Reishi mushroom extract could also help lower high blood pressure; however, before adding it to your diet or taking medication for conditions such as diabetes or cardiovascular disease it’s wise to consult your physician first.

Reishi boasts many other health-enhancing properties, such as regulating inflammation and stimulating natural killer cells that help fight cancer cells – this is why its potential as an anticancer treatment has been investigated extensively.

Promotes Concentration

Reishi mushrooms provide your immune system with an extra boost even when you don’t feel sick. Their effects include altering genes in white blood cells to lower inflammation levels and make you better equipped to combat infections. Furthermore, Reishi mushroom consumption supports probiotic bacteria growth for gut health benefits and promotes the creation of an effective microbiome.

Reishi mushroom extract has proven itself an effective remedy in terms of sleep: decreasing time to fall asleep and length of overall restful slumber. They may even help regulate our circadian rhythm, helping prevent disruptions that could lead to insomnia.

Reishi mushrooms contain polysaccharides that promote relaxation and sleep, as well as triterpenes with sedative properties that can reduce stress and anxiety levels when used regularly. They may even help lower levels of anxiety among users if used consistently; Reishi mushrooms may benefit both adults and kids who require assistance sleeping – provided there are no allergies to mushrooms involved.

Reishi mushrooms are generally safe when taken at recommended dosages; however, more research needs to be conducted before concluding they’re safe for pregnant or breastfeeding women or those taking medication for high blood pressure or heart disease. Reishi may interact with these medications and prevent normal clotting, so always check with your physician first before consuming these mushrooms; additionally they could increase bleeding if your platelet count drops significantly.

Supports Liver Health

Ganoderma lucidum, commonly referred to as Reishi mushrooms, have long been used in Chinese medicine as “Mushroom of Immortality.” Studies have also demonstrated how Reishi can adjust key cell receptors and help protect healthy cells from being destroyed by natural enzymes found in our bodies. As such, Reishi provides powerful liver health support by healing existing liver damage while protecting healthy ones from destruction by natural enzymes.

Reishi can boost your immune system and combat inflammation, which is often the root of chronic illnesses. Reishi’s phytochemical ingredients may change genes that contribute to inflammation.

Reishi mushroom benefits also include the potential to lower blood pressure. More research must be conducted in this regard before any definitive statements can be made regarding this effect.

Reishi mushrooms offer another potential benefit by helping the growth of good gut bacteria that can improve digestion and promote a healthier metabolism. Reishi contains beta glucans which encourage the formation of probiotics within your digestive tract.

If you want to incorporate Reishi mushrooms into your daily life, look for products containing high-grade reishi extract. The ideal products should be manufactured using organic or wild-harvested ingredients without additives and fillers, such as powders, capsules, drink mixes or even gummies that adhere to GMP standards and contain Ganoderma Lucidum on their label as well.

Supports Skin Health

Reishi mushrooms can serve as an adaptogen that can help your body find balance when experiencing occasional stress and fatigue. By helping balance cortisol levels, they may also prevent other hormonal imbalances that affect mood or energy levels.

Mushroom beta-glucan antioxidants and polysaccharides can be highly effective at drawing moisture to your skin, providing it with an instantaneous burst of hydration, especially beneficial for dry skin types. Furthermore, this deep infusion can also reduce fine lines and wrinkles for a refreshed, plump complexion.

Reishi mushrooms contain many immunity-enhancing components such as immuno-boosting peptides, beta-glucans, amino acids and polyphenols that have been demonstrated to strengthen your immune system by stimulating white blood cell production. According to one 2019 study published in Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, oral consumption of Reishi mushrooms could increase both B and T cell populations within your body – giving your natural defenses more strength against infection or illness.

To leverage the reishi mushroom benefits for your complexion, seek products containing Ganoderma lucidum (also known as Lingzhi mushrooms) extract or powder form. Such products should be free from chemical additives and produced using Good Manufacturing Practices; additionally they should be supported by research as well as certified organic or wild-harvested. Serums with Reishi in addition to other powerful anti-aging ingredients is an ideal way to maintain glowing and beautiful skin!

Promotes Sleep

Reishi mushrooms have long been used as an effective sleep aid, helping users relax and get better restful nights’ rest.* Their calming effects on the nervous system and hormone balance could likely contribute. Furthermore, Reishi is said to reduce stress levels as well as symptoms associated with insomnia like lack of energy.*

Reishi for fatigue should be used as part of a healthy lifestyle that includes regular physical activity, relaxing activities and an appropriate diet. Reishi powder can be added to drinks or taken directly as a supplement, although for maximum efficacy you should opt for third-party certified brands so you can ensure they contain what they claim they do.

Reishi can help improve immune function by increasing white blood cell production to fight infections and diseases.* Studies conducted in 2012 published by Molecules journal demonstrated its potential to lower blood pressure and enhance quality of life – but please remember this isn’t meant as a replacement for medication; prior to making any decisions based on Reishi alone! Additionally, Reishi may promote brain health, with combination using Lion’s Mane mushroom offering even greater restful night’s rest* *Lions Mane mushroom is included as part of our new Super Mood & Rest formula! *Lions Mane is now part of our new Super Mood & Rest formula!