Yoder Family Farms practices sustainability from the ground up. They’re not only committed to boosting soil health, but also use data to help improve crops and protect against drought.

On a windy morning, Fred Yoder stood in a field of grazing cows. He explained how he uses cover crops to prevent erosion and boost nutrients in the soil.

Local Vendors

Yoder’s Kuntry Market is a one stop shop for Bulk Foods, Essential Groceries, Frozen Foods, Dairy, Vitamins and Supplements, Full Service Deli with Meats and Cheeses, Variety Store Selections and more. Yoders is dedicated to carrying on their Amish roots with prompt, friendly service and creating a wholesome Christian atmosphere for their customers and employees.

The greens are planted in a plug of soil and then placed on a plastic rail that’s continuously fed with vitamin-enhanced, pH-balanced water. He grows romaine, green and red lettuce as well as spinach. The lettuce stays fresh in a refrigerator far longer than lettuce shipped from California.

He endures the questions, stares and even moments of rudeness because he believes he’s telling a story that will help put Amish people back on the farm. Then they’ll be able to feed their families. That’s why he’s committed to organics. It’s the only way they can keep their farm going.


Yoder’s is a one-of-a-kind variety store offering a shopping experience that is authentic to the Amish community. Formerly the Keim family market, it has long been a favorite destination for many locals and travelers alike who seek bulk foods, canned goods, dairy & ice cream, fresh baked treats, herbs & spices, grass-fed meats, vitamins & supplements, canning supplies, and handcrafted furniture.

The bakery is the heart of this store. Fresh-made donuts, pie and cookies are a customer favorite. The herbal tonic is a great way to start the day or give that afternoon pick me up.

Yoder’s is a place where shoppers relax and stay a while. They browse aisles of hard-to-find ingredients for those cherished recipes. They chat under the shade trees and in the porches that seem to stretch forever. They sample deli sandwiches and fresh-from-the-oven baked goods. They stock up on bulk food items and a few pieces of handmade furniture. They leave feeling inspired and connected to a simpler time.


Four generations of smart farming practices have shaped Yoder’s into a meat-centric retail space and a well-established agri-business. Their smoked meats, artisan cheeses and other specialities have earned them a loyal following. Customers travel from miles around to shop their wide selection of products that are always fresh, affordable and ready to serve.

This 28 oz can of hamburger meat contains delicious, USDA farm raised, commercially canned choice cuts of meat that are fully cooked and ready to eat. Each can is airtight sealed and non-perishable, requiring no refrigeration, making it ideal for camping, travel and long-term food storage.

Holly comes from a Mennonite family and has been in business for herself since 2007. She has a vast range of experience and enjoys getting to know her customers. She’s a master gardener, cook and animal lover who enjoys memes and spoiling her cat, Mr. Biscuit. She is responsible for product inventory and scheduling production. He is also responsible for all of the equipment and systems that keep Yoder Naturals running smoothly.


Yoder’s Country Market began in 1984 when Owen and Erma Yoder put shelves in a tiny 7’ x 11’ utility room and hung a sign saying “Yoder’s Bulk Foods”. The business quickly outgrew their little space. The family moved to property along Rt 230 in Pratts and added on two additions, tripling the showroom.

They are a one-stop, variety store destination for bulk foods, canning supplies, grass-fed and free-range meats, dairy & ice cream, herbs & spices, vitamins & supplements, full service deli with delicious cold cuts and cheeses, and much more. The whole family is involved and carries on the good old-fashioned values that are so important to them.

Holly is the newest member of the office team, and she is a great resource for any questions. She tackles any job with a positive attitude and enjoys learning about new topics as they come up in conversation or research. She loves memes, a good joke, and spoiling her cat named Mr. Biscuit.