CBD isolate is the purest form of cannabidiol available. It is extracted from hemp plants and stripped of all other phytocannabinoids, terpenes and plant matter.

The process produces a crystalline powder that can be dissolved in liquids or vaporized in a dab rig. However, it strips away the entourage effect—the synergistic interaction of other compounds that enhance the effects of the primary cannabinoid.


Isolates are the most pure forms of CBD available, making them an ideal choice for creating customized solutions in a variety of formats. They also don’t contain any tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive component of cannabis, and won’t show up on drug tests.

CBD isolate is a crystalline powder that contains 99% cannabidiol, free of other phytocannabinoids and plant compounds. It’s usually white or off-white in color and is flavorless and odorless. It can be mixed into foods and drinks to create a wide range of products, including CBD-infused edibles like brownies, cookies, and chocolate bars.

It can also be added to vaporizers for use in vaping, or used as a CBD-infused oil or cream for topical applications. Reputable brands offer CBD isolate that is third-party tested to confirm purity and quality, ensuring consistency for precise dosing. This form of CBD is the most versatile and may help address a wide range of wellness issues, from chronic pain to sleep disorders.


Unlike CBD hemp oil, which may contain the whole range of cannabinoids and terpenes from the plant, isolate contains only 99% pure cannabidiol. It’s usually a white or off-white crystalline powder. It’s also sometimes called “crystals” and can be easily dissolved or blended into oils, butters, or foods to make a variety of products.

The key advantage of this type of product is that it doesn’t contain any THC, which is the psychoactive component of cannabis. It might cause a slight high feeling in some people, but it’s not enough to get you high.

It’s odorless and tasteless, making it easy to add to food or drinks. It can be taken sublingually, smoked using a dab rig or vaporized, or mixed into skin and beauty products. You can even dissolve it into a beverage to enjoy the soothing effects of cannabidiol without changing the taste or adding any other ingredients. This is the most versatile form of cannabidiol on the market.


CBD isolate is a pure form of cannabidiol that has been stripped of all other plant material, oils, and cannabinoids during extraction. The resulting crystals or white powder contain 99 percent pure CBD. It does not have any odor or taste, making it safe for almost any application.

It is a great option for those who need to work around the legal limits of THC (up to 0.3% under federal law) in hemp-derived products, or those who are sensitive to THC. The lack of THC means that people won’t experience any psychoactive effects and can remain focused at work or school.

Another benefit of CBD isolate is that it can be dissolved in water to create a powerful tincture or can be added to foods for a more subtle, flavorful effect. This makes it easy to create your own CBD lattes, infused cookies, or use in a variety of other recipes! This versatility is what has helped to make CBD isolate so popular.


CBD isolate may not get the same hype as CBD lattes or gummies, but this form of CBD is a crucial ingredient in many CBD consumer products. It is the purest form of CBD and has no trace of THC, which means it’s a great option for anyone looking to avoid the psychoactive effects of THC.

Unlike full-spectrum and broad-spectrum CBD products that contain other phytocannabinoids and terpenes, CBD isolate is made using a refined extraction and refining process that removes all compounds except for cannabidiol. The result is a crystalline powder that contains 99% CBD.

In a study on the effects of CBD on zebrafish, researchers found that CBD induced longevity and health span in zebrafish by upregulating SIRT1. However, they did not find any effect on male fish’s lifespan or on female fish’s health span, but it is possible that these effects would be seen if the experiment had included more female fish.